idler's idle talk[Jpn]

This Brog is a copy of Brog of Japan that I am establishing. It is a very welcome like the question etc.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


organic cafe

At last, room can life.. have been done.
Therefore, I came to consider various ideas.
In the meaning to remember it, I am writing the idea here. cafe
There is an air plant in the table. It is a natural, full room in surroundings such as flowers. You can enjoy yourself over snack and coffee that uses the natural health foods of organic farming in the room.
In the point, the plant is not an interior but an article for sale.
If you like the plant which is decorated on the table, you will be able to buy the one of the same kind with the cash register as it is. This is a collaboration of the flower shop and the cafe.
I think it is interesting in case of the tie-up among those who do such business.
There was an opinion that artificial flowers might be better than the plants to which it cost the maintenance expense, too.


Hellow World!

This blog is the copy from Japanese blog in order to let everyone know what I'm thinking everyday in Jpn life.
So this blog contains a lot of things that you may not understand.
However you should ask everything whatever you want to know.
I promise to answer your question.


October 2004   July 2005   August 2005   September 2005  

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