idler's idle talk[Jpn]

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Thursday, August 04, 2005


The PlayStation Soft "MinGol" support would be end

Blog Cartoon "Funky Golf"

It was announced that the support of MinnanoGolf aka "Mingol" by SCE would be end recently.

Thinking from cost, it is proper to ends support because the user decreases. But it is unreasonable that end condition can decide the manufacturer anytime.

If the Contents Bender announce that it ends when becoming 4000 people or less after the user becomes 10,000 people, it woule understand when the support soon might end. And you do not have to grieve because it is only three another months left to play game after you make a contract.

it indicate that the commercial value keeps going down accompanied by the time gose. Also the other software so was, but in this case it is different when support ends, commercial value is to become just 0.

In other words, in the current certain market like the Family Computer software which is transacted expensively there are no either times when the value oven it is it rises.
As for the Family Computer the time abnormal play and price decreases with the treatment, medieval times. But, in this market where medieval times of the contract account does not exist there are no times when contract charge goes down.
The manufacturer has grasped the trigger which loses commercial value, if is, is not to have the necessity manufacturer itself is to reflect on price, probably will be?

Here you can call also the thing of opposite. For example, only 3 days the which makes the software which cannot be used and melts and, the person who can be played is limited. Because it is limited, very value is possible. You think it receives also the fact that, tray day off or the PS online software of New Year's Day limitation.

As risk of the CS losing for the manufacturer and the like is evaded being to think it becomes also the weapon, it does that the time when support is finished is presented. How probably will be?


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