idler's idle talk[Jpn]

This Brog is a copy of Brog of Japan that I am establishing. It is a very welcome like the question etc.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


The clamp it passes, dilemma

Blog Cartoon "Money 3 4 Me"

Just the pole as for the house why not collapsing? Being to be written in the accounting which is begun from familiar doubt, it does, but as for the employee the operating profit, as for the manager the recurring profit was written, and when it is something which the shareholder is conscious of the net income. You think as the extent which becomes. If the thinks of the recurring profit whether from the operating profit, expense (it includes the salary of the employee) those which were pulled (there is a language , you agree upon. To try to raise the recurring profit how it should have done, doing service overtime work, the fact that you hold down expense is one hand. To be good " the present term the recurring profit (the け when don't you think?) is 0 Yen from administrative position. Still, being to be the じ ょ singing which is harsh it perseveres and " with it hears the word which is said, but this is to be possible to become also the threat, expense reduction for the side which receives allowance. As an overstatement, it perseveres and with is not far ones in meaning of the word which is said, probably will be?


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